The following are some of the Downflow Gas Contactor’s properties and advantages:

  • Stable bubble matrix formed
  • Distinct gas-liquid interface
  • Lower power consumption
  • Smaller operating volume
  • No foaming
  • No free gas-liquid interface
  • Inherently safe
  • 100% gas utilisation
  • Greater than 95% approach to equilibrium in very short contact times
  • High and accurate control of interfacial areas
  • Improved reaction rates and selectivity
  • No internal moving parts
  • Reduced capital and operating costs
  • Higher gas hold-ups (50-60%)
  • Tolerance to particulates
  • Easy scale-up without loss in efficiency
  • Easy automation and control
  • Batch, semi-autonomous or continuous mode operation

Some videos of the DGC reactor


In this video (DGC Column) you see a bubble column developing within a DGC reactor. Here are some details about what you see at various times within the video.
  • 7 seconds

    Start-up of DGC Gas input into flowing reaction media with catalyst

  • 18 seconds

    Bubble column develops

  • 35 seconds

    Gas input reduced – bubble column height reduces as reaction occurs with Gas utilisation, till equilibrium level attained

  • 59 seconds

    As Gas input increased bubble dispersion column develops again




